Think you can't afford or have time for a PT?

Since my business moved to online, many of my customers prefer to split their one hour session into two x thirty minutes.

The benefits of online training are:

  • You can fit in training around your busy schedule
  • Thirty minute sessions will tick all your fitness boxes but in a smaller time scale. Have as many thirty minute sessions per week as you like!
  • It’s easy to set up your device so I can still watch your form and make corrections where necessary.
  • It’s not weather reliant.
  • You can have your own equipment and use it between the sessions.
  • If your affordability is 30 minutes per week at least in that time we can put all the focus on your wellbeing. I will then try and encourage you to exercise yourself in the week
  • As ever, you are welcome to contact me in between sessions to ask for advice.

Please message me now on +34 649370358 for a free, no obligation session or to ask any questions you may have.